Safyy safety app

Safyy is running on your mobile device so you can see your friends and family members on a map and communicate with them via calls, HD video calls and chat. "Mama" tracks locations automatically - in real time, all the time. The application runs in the background - without draining battery

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See your children/youth/family members on a map

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Communicate with them for free via HD video calls, calls or chat

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Battery Life

Track and share locations and alarm automatically, in real-time, all the time without draining battery

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Application got an easy Alarm button to notify all members

Easy and fast Alarm activation

Safyy is designed to both help prevent attacks and help in the aftermath of attacks. When the victim hits the alarm button, the app immediately starts to record both sound and video and it sends a loud warning signal to nearby family members or friends. And even if the phone is broken or the feed is stopped for whatever reason, the recorded file is automatically saved and sent to members of the network.

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Activate alarm by voice or enter alarm button

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Record video and audio automatically

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High sound alarm on your guardians phone

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The app opens automatically

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See on the map where your family member is

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See and hear everything in real time

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File are automatically sent to your phone for later use

20% of all women in US and Europe over 18 years are raped or attempted raped

Domestic violence, sexual assaults, and rapes are major problems, and  Safyy can be part of the solution and help if an accident occurs.

20% of all women in US and Europe over 18 years are raped or attempted raped.

Parents may dont think about it until their children are teenagers. Number of rapes among college students in the US has doubled in a few years and there is a strong focus on rapes and sexual assaults both in media and political.

Many victims struggle

In many cases it is not the event itself that allows many victims struggling in retrospect of a sexual assault. Many reports not matter in danger of not being believed. In those cases where case being reported, then shelved most cases against evidence score. This is where most struggle in retrospect. Self-harm, guilt, heavy depression, psychiatric commit, suicide more.

Safyy Alarm Can Prevent And Help Afterwards

In the situation

- Where is the police or security if something happen?
- How long is the response time?
- Can they prevent situations from happening?

After the situation

- How many cases are reported?
- Can they help afterward?
- How many are convicted?

Download the App

Find our applications at AppStore and PlayStore

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Others About Safyy

Not only do I predict that it will it be a huge commercial success, but I also think that it is also potentially a societal game changer, helping ensure not only personal safety, but also as a tool to help ensure fair and equal justice for all members of the community. For all our sakes, please proceed to develop “Safyy” with all haste

Roy Rosser Patent Agent at R.R (Princeton)

I can see this being well received by multiple groups here in the United States, not only including women, but other groups who are at risk. I think this has lots of powerful potential both as a business entity and to the safety of society in general

Michael Batt President USAlliance Consulting, Principal

The ability to record both voice and visual evidence during the incident increases the odds of success of capturing and prosecuting the perpetrator. This could very well be one of the most important apps for anyone

Bob Oros President, Business Development Resources, Inc.
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